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Do you know know how to spot a scammer who emails you?

Wonder no more! The email below is from “Norton Support” selling McAfee anti-virus. Obviously Symantec the parent company of Norton Anti Virus would not sell a product of a competitor.

Looking outside of the obvious… Look at the return email address of This email address is a gmail account. Most reputable companies of any size will email from an email address that ends with the company website name. In the case of it would be something like

The second indicator to this being a scam is that I have not used any modern iteration of a Norton or McAfee product.

The third reason I know this is a scam is because if I use google and search the 866 number listed as the support number I get scam alerts and no immediate results alerting me that this is McAfee or Norton.

If something seems wrong, it normally is.

If you or someone you know needs advice on a possible scam email please refer them to this article and have them call us at 216-475-0661
