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Microsoft has abandoned Windows 9 and focused on Windows 10!

A delayed synopsis and overview of Windows 10

windows 10All good things must end. Like your favorite car, favorite store, favorite clothes, your computer will end. Below is the end of support dates for their operating systems. This information is LITERALLY copied and pasted from Microsoft.


Client operating systems Latest update or service pack End of mainstream support End of extended support

Windows XP

Service Pack 3

April 14, 2009

April 8, 2014

Windows Vista

Service Pack 2

April 10, 2012

April 11, 2017

Windows 7 *

Service Pack 1

January 13, 2015

January 14, 2020

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

January 9, 2018

January 10, 2023

With the recent passing of Windows XP and recent abandonment of Windows 9 the birth of Windows 10 is in the works!

I personally did not like Windows 8 and I personally LOVED windows 7! I guess we are all forced into liking the new windows 10. It has a new start menu which is a hybrid of the Windows 7/vista/xp start button and the Windows 8.1 start menu.

One thing I tell my clients is that change should not be feared but embraced! The basic concepts are all still the same. The “X” in the top right corner will close the active window, The Start button is in the lower left, The overall look is similar with some modified and added features.

As we test the operating system we will post pictures for you to see.
